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1966 Above the Civil War: The Story of Thaddeus Lowe Balloonist Inventor Railway Builder. Eugene B. Block Howell-North Books
1964 Thaddeus Lowe: Uncle Sam's First Airman Lydel Sims G. P. Putnam and Sons
1958 Thaddeus Lowe America's One-Man Air Corp. Mary Hoehling Kingston House
1941 Aeronautics in the Union and Confederate Armies F. Stansbury Haydon Johns Hopkins Press
1916 The Photographic History of the Civil War (10 volumes) Francis Trevelyan Miller Editor
One Man's Life George Wharton James
Memoirs of Thaddeus S. C. Lowe Thaddeus Lowe
Report of Proffessor T. S. C. Lowe to E. M. Stanton Secretary of War Thaddues Lowe
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